Then, they will proceed to ground zero for a wreath-laying ceremony.
At the Heritage Village, apart from a concert, there is also a wreath-laying ceremony as a tribute to the ancestors.
She wore it at the wreath-laying ceremony at the cenotaph in Downpatrick.
The last post and reveille are played, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony.
The Swedish Air Force used it as a monument for a wreath-laying ceremony.
Lately they have been allowed to conduct wreath-laying ceremonies in public parks.
The wreath-laying ceremony will be held Feb. 22.
More questions were raised when Mr. Kim failed to appear at a wreath-laying ceremony for his father this morning.
The 1 p.m. wreath-laying ceremony had drawn fewer than 100 people.
This is accomplished by participating in wreath-laying ceremonies at various memorials around the country.