Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Since the beginning of the project we've been keen to talk to would-be users about what we're building.
He cautioned would-be users against being seduced "with the flash of technology."
One of the problems revealed by the project being that many would-be users of the opportunity lack the skills to use the information effectively.
Of course, this product is for someone-and to those would-be users, this really will matter.
Users and would-be users "Speedy registration means more business certainty."
All of these provisions have already been requested by a wide spectrum of practitioners and would-be users.
The problems persisted into Christmas Day, apparently angering many would-be users.
A would-be user calls, answers about 20 demographic questions and then receives a code to use for calls to any of the other four cities.
The clear problem with these old phonetically arranged dictionary is that the would-be user needs to have the knowledge of rime.
Enforcing the rules online can be tricky for social networks that don't want to put off would-be users with a rigorous authentication process.
But it turned out that would-be users of VC-1 had more than just Microsoft licensing to reckon with.
Chaos unchecked can obliterate its would-be user.
User: the individual user (or would-be user) of the justice system (see Citizen).
Would-be users were repeatedly asked to "be patient," even when they tried to access chat boxes and other devices meant as workarounds to IT problems.
In the past the needle scared off many would-be users, a fear reinforced by the AIDS epidemic.
Appropriate checks and balances could be used to preserve commercial competitiveness and assure a supply of nuclear material to legitimate would-be users.
That would be the only place on the plane where cellphones would work, and would-be users would stand on line to await their turn.
The Skype homepage in China apparently redirected would-be users to download that version rather than the international one.
He is well aware of the trepidation many would-be users have in dipping a toe into online dating, not least fears over false identities.
The result is social friction, between owner and would-be user, and between one class of user and another.
Many expert users like the rigid retrieval process, but some do not, and this remains a huge barrier for the majority of non-expert, would-be users.
MCM advocates lure would-be users"."
A number of the more desperate would-be users pleaded online they needed the iPhone to appease demanding wives or stressed it was their birthday, according to local media.
It was a courteous sign to the next would-be user that the phone was out of commission; it reduced the chance that the booth would be occupied.
The vast digital archive, which was established by Steven Spielberg in 1994, is virtually an impenetrable thicket to would-be users like historians, educators and documentary filmmakers.