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It was only after 1850 that wood screws were available in large quantities.
The wood screws used to attach it should be 3 inches long.
For optimum wood screw performance, you need to drill first.
Mark it's position, then secure the second brace in place with wood screws.
Normal wood screws are no good when used in chipboard.
We found it had been secured only by one-inch-long wood screws.
You can also use a long wood screw to secure a loose baluster.
Following are guidelines for choosing wood screws and installing them correctly.
Fasten the board against the side of the joist with 2 3/4-inch-long wood screws.
Replace the inner tube and tighten it down with three small wood screws.
Most wood screws are made of plated steel, brass or aluminum.
Insert the wood screws and tighten them so they pull the loose boards in place.
These can be fastened directly to the sides of the joists with 1-inch wood screws.
Then attach one bracket directly to the cross brace with wood screws.
Drive a round-head wood screw to secure the handle in the shovel.
From its depths came boxes of nails, tacks, wood screws.
For most home repair purposes, wood screws will suffice.
A common example of a fastener with a tapered thread is a wood screw.
A better type of wood screw, a better kind of electric cell.
Wood screws originated sometime in the 16th century.
Assemble the frame using carpenter's glue and wood screws.
You can fasten loose floorboards with wood screws or finishing nails.
Wood screws are stronger and more durable than nails, pegs or staples.