It is a crime to fail, without reasonable excuse, to observe such requirements.
He'd seen Iraqi officers execute prisoners without any apparent cause or excuse.
"For the most part, yes, that is true," Rosen answered without excuse.
They are now all stupid, ignorant without excuse, insane, and/or evil.
There was no ban now; but 806 was not to be offered to a guest without good excuse for so doing.
Obligation was total; no person, not even the kings, could be absent without good excuse, such as performance of a sacrifice.
It was strange to see him before her, without the defense and excuse of distance.
They did so in true professional fashion, without excuse or complaint.
This means made without good cause or excuse and could extend to a reckless statement.
She looks him straight in the eye and says, "No," just as she was taught, without excuse or explanation.