Louisa Ulrika was forced to make a formal statement, during which she withdrew her accusation.
The witness against Fritsch later withdrew his accusation, but was murdered.
"It would be best if Ser Eustace were just to withdraw his accusation".
"Ser", he said, "I beg you once again, withdraw your accusation".
Schmidt later withdrew his accusation against Fritsch, and was subsequently murdered.
Will you, for now, Speaker Gendibal, and in the interest of continuing the present discussion, withdraw your accusation?
If the Secretary of State withdraws his allegation, I will withdraw my accusation.
I'll withdraw my accusation as well, but it won't serve unless Aerion withdraws his.
Michel has second thoughts and wants to withdraw his accusation, but to no avail as the case cannot be withdrawn.
He went to the police station, and withdrew his accusation against his neighbour after talking it over with his wife.