Trunks, filled with belts and sweaters, double as coffee tables.
Ben visits his CO. to see if they can be issued with sweaters.
I planned to fill the box with little sweaters, blankets and other things I would make.
It has nothing to do with miniskirts and tight sweaters.
There was a high shelf in the closet, stacked with sweaters.
They tend to be skinny and, when paired with long sweaters, have a 1930's air.
Each designer gets a box filled with old sweaters and must create a bold look for a woman who wants to stand out in a crowd.
Out on the street was another group of people, with coffee, donuts, and sweaters for those who weren't ready for the cold.
But then, in the bottom drawer, covered over with folded sweaters, he saw the knife.
Also on display was a baby grand piano draped with Italian sweaters.