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He had found one of the window catches open the other day.
I fought with the window catch, which came clean away in my hands.
After what seemed like an age, he heard the metal window catch being released.
Jimmy was in the second room, up on a ladder doing something to the window catch.
Fingers that were expert at jobs like his explored the window catch.
He reached through the hole and unfastened the window catch.
Quite a pleasant little scene, Bruce thought searching for a window catch so he could get out.
They spotted it at once - moving slowly along below, as if he were examining every window catch.
He noted that the window catches were still shut, the door bolted from the inside.
The duke backed away, very carefully, fumbling behind him for the window catch.
He thought about that strangely opened window catch on a window of his own consulting room.
He borrowed the ladder from Roy to climb up and once more wire the window catch.
The butler had probably loosened the window catch and then forgot to tighten it again.
Norman supposed that the builders doing the painting had wired up the window catch, though he couldn't imagine why.
With a quick twist he lifted the window catch, and pushed the window open.
Hercule Poirot paused a minute with his hand on the window catch.
A swish in darkness; the slight click of metal, working at a window catch.
Restrictor stay in centre of window below window catch.
Clyde joined her; broke the window catch and shoved the sash upward.
He didn't bother with the window catch.
The window catch was rusty but opened.
The Shadow loosed the window catch; stretched his arm to push the frame outward.
He had just been starting to pry the window catch when Cardona had arrived.
Deadlocking window handle in place of existing window catch.
Help me with this window catch.