Large numbers of turbines create noise as well as electricity, so there's often resistance to wind farms from local residents.
For example, you see a clear age bias when it comes to wind farms.
Opposition to wind farms in the county has grown since proposals were announced last year to build a 19-acre electricity substation.
I object to wind farms despoiling our upland wildernesses because I treasure these beautiful places, but they are not in my back yard.
It is not only homeowners with nice views who object to wind farms, but business owners as well.
The Saudis are the main reason I don't object to wind farms!
"It's windy - that gave a boost to wind farms and the kite making industry"
You don't object to wind farms, you object to them only when in your backyard.
We went on, the road winding past small farms and fields.
Comstock/Thinkstock Could wind farms like these fuel the future?