Six percent said they did not have a retirement age in mind.
And more people want to keep working after retirement age.
For women, the costs are higher, as their retirement age is lower.
He was 39, an early retirement age for the period.
They might be near retirement age, but the office was still well run.
For example, the average retirement age is now under 60.
Many of the rest are at or near retirement age.
That's why we wanted the retirement age changed from 65 years old to 58.
Here's how it works if your full retirement age is 67.
Mind you, I am way past retirement age as it is.
This is the income which the state provides to people who have reached pension age.
And all parties agree the pension age has to go up.
What happens if you become ill - or die - before pension age?
It is important to consider the incomes of people over pension age.
Letters: I am 57 and have just learned my pension age will increase by two years, from 64 to 66.
No, but everyone will be affected by a rise in the normal pension age.
Raising the pension age for women to 65 by 2020.
Five million people would see an increase in their pension age.
For people over pension age on the other hand, not wanting a permanent job was the most common reason.
From 2008, the pension age has been lowered to 58 years.
Almost a quarter of the area's population is of pensionable age.
The number of those over pensionable age will be far higher in the next century than it is today.
Economic activity rates are low among those of pensionable age.
Will have an effect on my pension but I see myself working long after pensionable age anyway.
Raising the pensionable age, however, was not enough to meet the Treasury's requirements.
I still love playing, but at my pensionable age it takes longer to recover from each match.
Nor do I think it right that we have not substantially raised the pensionable age.
Given these circumstances, it is more obvious to lower, rather than increase, the pensionable age.
Opportunities must be offered so that they can stay in employment after reaching pensionable age.
There were 3,007 under 15 years old and 1,651 were of pensionable age.