His stand against American forces here has stirred a widespread insurrection across southern Iraq, starting in Najaf and then quickly setting off fighting in at least eight other predominantly Shiite cities.
Faced with such widespread insurrection, Cambridge school administrators chose to permit the event and leveled no punishment, on the condition that students did something constructive during the period in which the test was given.
The failure to find a suitable leader caused the Germans to alter their plans from a widespread insurrection in Morocco to smaller-scale support of the existing resistance movement.
The major effect, only fully felt by 1864, was widespread rural insurrection, coupled with great hardship for the general population.
For months, as American occupation authorities have focused on a moderate Shiite leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a radical young Shiite cleric named Moktada al-Sadr has been spewing invective and threatening a widespread insurrection.
The result was a widespread insurrection evoking such support that a local French official in Kampong Cham noted in 1886 that "...the entire Cambodian population acquiesces in the revolt."
According to Petrônio Domingues, by 1887 the slave struggles pointed to a real possibility of widespread insurrection.
Ubico's repressive policies and arrogant demeanor led to a widespread popular insurrection led by middle-class intellectuals, professionals, and junior army officers.
Although An Lushan was killed by one of his eunuchs in 757, this time of troubles and widespread insurrection continued until rebel Shi Siming was killed by his own son in 763.
Burma was declared independent on Jan. 4, 1948, but was immediately confronted by widespread insurrections by Communists and Burma's ethnic minorities, the Karens, Shans, Kachins, Mons and others, who demanded autonomy.