Cherry, she didn't say a thing, just whisked off with her tail up high out ahead of us.
Each employee spent only 11 minutes on any given project before being interrupted and whisked off to do something else.
Then someone made a crack about whisking her off to Vegas.
I suddenly saw that Molly was no longer someone's daughter, to be whisked off from her father's house and become mine.
But once the child has mustered his courage, they whisk him off into a different world.
He would have spotted me and whisked you off with him before I had a chance to get in my warning.
Morning Earth poems now whisk themselves off to five continents.
Then she was whisked off to lunch at the clubhouse.
At any rate she whisked off without even saying "good night" and left me standing there.
Most adults would've just stepped on the gas and whisked me off, but not Lee.