K Map Favoured by the local banking brigade at lunchtime, this is a great place to taste fine local wines over a well-prepared meal.
Hollow-sky's well-prepared meal was quite satisfying, but the smell of Riverwind's bird was mouthwatering.
We were never disappointed by the well-prepared four-course meals.
At six o'clock they ate a well-prepared but simple meal in the small dining room.
Exil is as Austrian as the Paris Bar is French, with heavy but well-prepared meals.
For three decades, she has tried to bring public awareness to the environmental importance of supporting small farmers and the joy of eating well-prepared and fresh meals that are simple.
And make no mistake, having a life means having the luxury of time, and nothing says that as eloquently as a well-prepared meal.
Where to Eat Santacafe (231 Washington Avenue; 505-984-1788) serves consistently well-prepared meals in the courtyard and several rooms of a traditional Colonial house.
He pushed aside his empty plate, guiltily aware that he had not tasted the well-prepared meal.
He can enjoy a well-prepared meal, but he eats to survive, nothing more.