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So well-crafted, in fact, that she hadn't actually seen them at first.
But a well-crafted miniature has to be what this is.
They were well-crafted but very utilitarian, that was for sure.
They are such well-crafted pop tunes that you can't get them out of your head.
He finished by saying it was "A remarkable and well-crafted project."
It is a well-crafted series, with rich characters and great stories.
Well-crafted questions allow players to eliminate one or more possible cards.
In a well-crafted play, you can sometimes feel the audience gets exhausted from laughing.
It was generally a well-crafted movie with a good balance of form and substance.
She was a good provider: a quiet woman who appreciated well-crafted things.
They weren't well-crafted, hardly straight, but would suit his purposes well enough.
You are the first human who has been able to cast off my well-crafted visions."
In the information age, the art of a well-crafted letter to communicate with a friend had been revived here.
So, a moderate, well-crafted summer assignment seems like a wise approach.
"I believe in quality, descriptive, and well-crafted writing," she began.
There was plenty of it, especially if well-crafted understatement is your trip.
It then rained on that dirt, according to the dog's well-crafted plan.
Kirk had always been the master of the bluff and the well-crafted lie.
Rain's no good for a well-crafted cannon, nor the black powder needed to fire it.
What's on the vinyl though is well-crafted, if youthful power pop.
Much like a well-crafted game plan or a smart two-minute drill.
The laughs have to be as well-crafted as the twists.
But technologies placed within well-crafted institutional structures can be made more likely safe than not.
His uniform showed off its cleverness, like a well-crafted puzzle.
My colleagues presented well-crafted lectures about the tools they used in the classroom.