A promissory note is a written agreement to pay back a loan with a certain amount of interest.
"It's as though someone put a gun to my head and asked me to sign a promissory note," he said.
We understand that, given Saddam's history, more is required from him than just a promissory note.
"Due to complications, I have not yet brought the promissory notes."
The $100 million in disputed promissory notes will help see to that.
He received a $1 million down payment and a promissory note for the rest.
"You mean all you're offering is to return that promissory note?"
The community development district has issued two promissory notes to cover costs.
As of two months ago, about $18.8 billion in promissory notes had been issued.
They put up $100,000, signed a $315,000 promissory note, used the ground floor of their house as offices, and worked without pay for two years.