The average weekday passenger counts have not increased at the same rate as the total annual passenger counts, which may mean that weekend ridership is increasing.
The county wants to develop tourism, Metro-North hopes to increase its off-peak and weekend ridership, and the cultural institutions aim to build audiences.
In the early twentieth century, amusement parks were built at the end of trolley lines to encourage weekend ridership.
Perhaps more telling, weekend ridership has grown 14 percent after the changes, returning to roughly what it was before the attack as well.
Average weekend ridership rose 32% from the prior March, rising from 2,705 in March 2010 to 3,560.
She estimates that the course has boosted weekend ridership by 15 percent.
Reverse commutes are way up; so is off-peak and weekend ridership.
During January 1998, total weekend ridership on the buses and the subway system was up 14 percent over January 1997.
By comparison, weekend ridership during the last four months of 1997 increased by 7 percent over the same period the year before.
The Metrolink commuter train system recorded its highest-ever weekend ridership since it began operating in 1991.