The three pass through an "Employees Only" door and out a fire exit that's been wedged open.
Staff blamed their suffering health on classrooms being too small and ventilation so poor that they had to leave fire doors wedged open.
The door to the electronics store was wedged open with an egg carton.
The cracked valves of the ancient gate had been wedged open.
Beneath it, a red leather door was wedged open.
He could not make clear sounds because his jaw was wedged open.
The door to the bridge, as always, was wedged open, and the black windows reflected the room back at her through the gap.
What we're really trying to do is show the cracks of society, show the conflicts that somebody would try to wedge open.
The door had been wedged open with a triangular piece of wood.
That door had been wedged open; had someone else come and managed to close it?