It called the plot weak and the ending a letdown.
He commended Cris's acting and criticized the weak plot.
Some critics feel that the series has dated badly, with weak plots used as an excuse to string together location footage.
It is noted for its varying meter, but has been criticised for having a weak plot.
Like the previous film, it was poorly received, for low-budget special effects, a weak plot, and wooden acting.
Sackhoff has been saddled with a particularly weak plot and character.
Critics took issue with perceived limited graphics, some aspects of the music, and a weak and confusing plot.
The movie received negative reviews for its weak plot and bad acting.
Mindless violence strung together over a weak plot and bad dialogue has been done a hundred times before.
However, many of these same reviewers criticized the game as having poor jumping mechanics, dull level designs, and a weak plot.