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This hole goes into the water jacket of the cylinder head.
The cylinder is generally tested by using the water jacket test.
The design calls for surrounding the central living quarters with a water jacket.
Small pressure vessels are normally tested using a water jacket test.
Water jacket repairs are common on many of the engines that exist today.
The engine's water jacket kept it cool and helped to reduce noise.
The water jacket would be filled with water around the barrel.
The machine that Wilkinson showed to him was cooled by air, instead of a water jacket.
Each barrel had a separate sheet steel water jacket.
They are usually made from copper and cooled with a water jacket to withstand the extreme temperatures.
A water jacket melter is generally preferred if more than 10 gallons or so are to be poured.
The engines came with such period extras as a heater in the water jackets to assist early morning starts.
As such, they, too, lack water jackets and rely entirely on the incoming air/fuel mixture for their cooling.
As a result, Maxim created a water jacket cooling system to enable it to fire for extended periods.
Otto engines use a flowing water jacket around the cylinder wall, similar to modern engine cooling systems.
The cylinder has a hot end, within the firebox, and a cold end, surrounded by a water jacket.
Equipment such as tissue culture incubators may be enclosed in a water jacket kept at a constant temperature.
The inner and outer pairs of tubes were joined to form two double-walled water jackets.
Turbulators in the tubes improve heat transfer to the water jacket.
The energy released during the combustion is transferred to the water jacket and the temperature rise is measured.
Arcot threw his ship into space, and let the tubes cool under the water jacket.
The fat water jackets of the automatic weapons jerked and quivered with their fearful haste.
It was difficult to cool this plug, as the water jacket didn't extend into the plug.
Other operations included the monitoring of the water jacket temperatures of both prime movers.
In the wintertime, the water jacket had to be drained of water when the farmer was through working with the engine.