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Too bad they don't have a waste pipe in there.
There is a small creek that comes out into the river through the same waste pipe.
Then we have secretly converted certain waste pipes to run the other way!
The most likely reason is a blocked waste pipe.
This will help prevent freezing air blowing up the open ends of the waste pipes.
They also stop insects crawling up the waste pipes.
Up on the roof of buildings there's an open waste pipe that lets the odor out.
Later, a hooked-tip knife was found blocking a waste pipe.
The reservoir has to be periodically emptied or drained to the waste pipe.
She closed the door again without saying anything and watched a very large spider disappear down the waste pipe of the bath.
They ducked beneath a waste pipe thick as Bill's midriff.
What do you do if a waste pipe freezes?
The waste pipe bulkhead door is open to space!"
No permit, paint peeling, work tables pitted, food under waste pipes.
It is important that the waste pipe falls away from the outlet of the waste.
Soil and waste pipes often have access doors which allow lengths of the pipe to be cleared.
The most likely reason that waste pipes have frozen is because you have a dripping tap.
Or you can use lengths of 15 or 25mm plastic waste pipe.
Smaller than a hand grenade-but powerful enough to rupture the toilet's waste pipe.
The rest goes up the waste pipe.
They climb up the waste pipe and crouch perfectly still on the glaring white enamel.
Check that the problem is not one of a blocked waste pipe, by using a plunger over the plug hole.
Only on the suggestion of another plumber did he agree to bolt the waste pipe to the wall so it couldn't move.
I waggled my head past the waste pipe, so that it was resting on top of my hands.
Most traps come with 'universal' fittings which will take different materials and makes of waste pipe.