The two warriors advanced with measured steps towards each other, and met in the middle of the space.
The warriors under Borchu met that rush with a dynamic countercharge.
After some delays caused by Juno, the two great warriors meet.
On the other hand, when warriors of the tribes did meet, the fighting was comparatively formal and restrained.
See these digital warriors meet in a virtual fight and you'll know once and for all which is the fiercest.
The warrior had never met a woman so fascinating, so alluring.
The other warrior met the charge of the infuriated lioness with his spear.
Should a warrior meet his worst enemy at the Goblin Market, he must smile and pass him by.
The fierce warrior who wouldn't flinch before army, magician, or demon couldn't meet our eyes.
Two much younger warriors clad in black armor, each with a great blade raised, met him.