A total of eighty transports, carrying two legions, attempted to land on the British shore, only to be driven back by the many British warriors assembled along the shoreline.
There was a roar of outrage from the warriors assembled around the perimeter of the ditch, and all along the line swords were drawn, and daggers flashed.
The campfires were dying now, some of them smoking badly, and the easterly wind was blowing a gray film of smoke across the dark lines of Pethcine warriors already assembled.
General Torres had been ignoring the terms of the peace treaty by continuing to occupy Yaqui territory so over 2,000 warriors assembled along the Rio Yaqui.
The horses were saddled, and the crowded courtyards were a bustle of activity as the warriors assembled in two long widening columns that led down to the Causeway.
The show was focused on a group of warriors assembled by Raiden (Clancy Brown) to defend Earthrealm from invaders who entered through portals from various other dimensions.
For the ancient elimination block, the warriors assembled included the Apache, Samurai, Spartan, Shaolin Monk, and William Wallace.
Upon our departure from Trelburg, the warriors assembled there beat their staves upon their shields, raising a loud noise for our ship which set sail.
"Your Eminence," he said, "if you would be so gracious as to invoke God's good graces upon the warriors assembled here in His name?"
They loomed over the warriors assembled for the induction ceremonies for the Order of the Bat'leth.