However, it warned that "dangers to the borough stem from the stresses of growth," including housing prices escalating faster than incomes.
Finally, Hunter also warned of the grave consequences of a lost season, including the formation of a rival league.
It warned about an array of threats, including homemade bombs and the formation of human chains.
Today the Government-run radio station warned protesters it said had occupied many Government buildings, including those of the local People's Council.
I warn you that if we again come into conflict you will lose not only a mine, but everything you have, including your life.
Here he warns against hot dogs, carpets, chickens and coffee, including some sorts of decaffeinated coffee.
We firmly warn the parties concerned, including irregular forces, not to take any action that would endanger the lives of those engaged in the relief operation.
They also warned against new election technologies, including Internet voting machines, that they argued could produce more disputed elections.
He even warned some students, including Benjamin Strong, not to be at the meeting.
They also warned of potential harm and abuses, including discrimination against those who took the test and emotional trauma suffered by those who tested positive.