It is likewise well established that since the start of the industrial revolution, humans have been pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at an increasing rate, virtually insuring that the earth's climate will warm significantly over the next century.
But in the latter part of the epoch, the temperatures warmed significantly, resulting in the absence of glaciated poles and the presence of verdant, tropical forests.
As Earl neared landfall, cloud tops significantly warmed, indicating weakening, and the overall structure of the storm became less organized.
Early the next day, the structure of the hurricane quickly deteriorated as convection became asymmetric and cloud tops warmed significantly.
The Nepalese Himalayas are warming significantly in recent decades.
Several hundred years later, the climate of Minnesota warmed significantly.
In response, storm cloud patterns gradually decreased in organization and convective cloud tops warmed significantly; central convection became fairly disheveled, causing the storm to come unraveled rapidly.
Relations between Britain and France warmed significantly during the tenure of the Conservative Peel government.
Officials said relations with the United States in particular were warming significantly.
Relations between the two Koreas warmed significantly after a historic summit meeting between their leaders in Pyongyang in June.