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In 1918 construction of a brick walled structure was completed.
The trunk of the tree is protected by a walled structure.
The open walled structure was replaced with a new red brick building which opened in July 1897.
I had never seen such a magnificent crowd, nor felt so dwarfed by a walled structure.
Rolling slowly along the walled structure, the driver stopped momentarily at an opening that put the destruction inside in full view.
They mounted a long series of steps to a walled structure about fifty paces long.
What he now saw was a towered, walled structure resembling a medieval castle.
The fungus produces a thick walled structure known as a winter sporangium.
These spherical, walled structures contain a large central core of crystalloid material.
The city is home to the world's second largest walled structure, trailing behind the Great Wall of China.
Al-Istablat was a large walled structure located to the south of Samarra.
"Finite element analysis of thin walled structures."
The complex consists of a rectangular brick walled structure, described by the excavators as a mastaba.
Finally, the walled structure was converted into a medical quarantine facility that allowed for control of the spread of illnesses.
One reason for this later opinion is that the Sobaipuri Indians did not occupied adobe walled structures as their residences.
This consisted of a subrectangular 1.8m x 0.8m clay walled structure, surviving to 0.4m high, with evidence of multiple firings.
Pueblo Grande features a large platform mound with retaining walls, that was formerly surmounted by walled structures.
A new market called the New Market was opened in 1830 which was a walled structure with a roof lining the walls.
In 2005 archeologists unearthed the remains of a walled structure more than 1,000ft long which was believed to be a Roman circus or chariot racing arena.
Heiligenhäuschen (a small, shrinelike structure consecrated to a saint or saints), south of the village - round enclosed walled structure, 18th/19th century.
These methods were originally used as these two-dimensional representative techniques primarily suited the methods of building design, i.e. the load bearing walled structure.
The maze petroglyph, depending upon interpretation, could show four walled structures or areas, consisting of two simple objects and two "maze-like" complex objects.
The resulting work, "Patio and Pavilion", was a three walled structure with a corrugated plastic roof and surrounded by a sand patio.
This huge, walled structure squatted low on the slopes of the smallest of the Lords of Doom, Duerghast Mountain.