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For two hours I sat waiting, hoping against hope to see her come along the wall top.
It says to save the biggest for the wall top.
Then he returned to the wall top where they speedily joined him.
He leaped up, clearing the four vertical feet to the wall top.
I moved carefully along the tree limb and leaped to the wall top.
It required but a moment now to draw his body to the wall top and drop to the ground inside the city of the gorillas.
Fortunately the wall top was wide; Simon negotiated it carefully.
The wall top was smooth and bare of anything in the way of an anchor.
Presently, The Shadow saw the man's feet touch the wall top.
I popped up to the wall top for a quick peek at the scrub woods north of us.
"Some stayed back," Elend said, pointing up at the wall top.
While you and I, Thorson, will take the route along the wall top.
Inigo crept along the wall top in dead silence.
As far as I was able to see it was the only tree with the potential for reaching the wall top.
From the wall top, The Shadow took a quick look upward bringing his gun to firing position.
The monoscope had revealed guards walking the wall tops.
Then that dubious flash was gone and there were only two cowled heads peering down at him from over the wall top.
By 1913, work to re-point the walls and additional waterproofing of the wall tops was completed.
He checked behind him, looking down the street and then searching the wall tops to the left and right of him.
At one place I saw a tree growing close enough to allow me to climb out on one of its limbs to reach the wall top.
He adorned the wall tops with enormous crenellations that are more picturesque than practical.
Bruenor, Regis, and Wulfgar met the first breach on that wall top.
They fell about, slapping their paws down against the wall top and shaking their heads from side to side.
Muffling green flashes within his cloak folds, he reached down for Burbank's bag, then gave the contact man a helping hand to the wall top.
His soft-toed shoes dug into the stucco, and he was rolling across the wall top when the soldier resumed patrol.