His hair, which was definitely enhanced, was bright crimson and waist length.
Extremely long hair (usually waist length or longer) is only found in females.
Just the thought of it made her shiver as she ran the brush through her waist length brown hair.
A dress coat is waist length in the front and sides, and has two long tails reaching to the knees in back.
His hair, which had been allowed to grow in prison, continued to grow until it was waist length.
Even though it was only waist length, it must have cost a fortune!
Secondly, woman's fashion typically favors tops that are waist length, allowing the back to be left bare during slight movement, bending or sitting.
The term rain jacket is sometimes used to refer to raincoats that are waist length.
His hair was nearly waist length in cornrows with white beads woven through the braids.
His raised right hand would presumably have held a spear or some other implement, while his left hand, extended at waist length, is now missing.