America was then, as now, drifting apart along class lines.
He noticed a white woman drifting along the edges of the crowd.
But the timbre of anger drifted away along the music.
His mind was like a log drifting along a stream at night.
For a time, he drifted along the current of the bonfire.
A car started up in back and a gray Mercury came drifting along the drive at the side of the house.
Silent as a ghost I drifted along the building, past a closed door in the wall, and slipped into the car.
The russet ones seemed to be drifting along the shore.
The car drifted quietly along a quiet street of homes.
Now they were all moving, drifting along a thread of path.
It was like being out in the open, floating high above the world, the night sky all about them.
With a student population of over 2000, many interests float about the building.
They floated about the sea half an afternoon and all night long.
No doubt they were still floating elsewhere about the room.
In human form, her feet do not touch the ground, instead floating about an inch above it.
Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them.
It seemed to float about her head like the foam on the top of a wave.
There were a lot of stories floating around about Emmett.
You wouldn't believe some of the stories floating around about you.
She was now floating about sixty-five feet below the surface of the bay.
I did not like those rumors of a fight which were floating about.
Every figure seems ready to fly up and float about in the heavens.
A dozen different stories are floating about, but they all agree on that.
The reality was that there were simply a lot of dead stars floating about.
I will get upon a raft, and float about on the sea.
This included my wish to avoid being seen floating about.
And they don't call them families anymore; too many family fragments floating about.
I have left them to float about in open water for the last two years.
Keeping between Ruth and the wall might prevent him from floating about.
Part of the cargo was floating and shifting about, she said.