Chicken stock can also be used in the sauce itself.
"Mother, I think you could have put more hot peppers in the sauce."
A lot of the fat and sodium are in the sauce.
Leave fish in sauce on a low flame for 10 minutes.
There is a lot of garlic in the sauce and you may like it or not.
Turn the heat to low and warm the oysters in the sauce.
I could have used some half an hour ago, in the sauce.
It is usually eaten with another food or covered in a sauce.
What's the best wine for pasta in a red sauce?
It must be a new kind of democracy served up in a European sauce.
Chicken stock can also be used in the sauce itself.
"Mother, I think you could have put more hot peppers in the sauce."
A lot of the fat and sodium are in the sauce.
Leave fish in sauce on a low flame for 10 minutes.
There is a lot of garlic in the sauce and you may like it or not.
Turn the heat to low and warm the oysters in the sauce.
I could have used some half an hour ago, in the sauce.
It is usually eaten with another food or covered in a sauce.
What's the best wine for pasta in a red sauce?
It must be a new kind of democracy served up in a European sauce.