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He has also published a large number of votive masses of the dead.
Priests would celebrate special votive masses with the troops to pray for divine support.
Private votive masses for pilgrims and travelers were beginning to be offered by the abbey's priests.
The first Sacramentaries contain many examples of what we should call votive Masses.
His bequest allowed him a requiem mass, a daily mass and three votive masses a week.
This idea of allowing votive Masses to be said only when no special feast occurs finally produced the rules contained in later missals (1570).
The Creed is said in solemn votive Masses pro re gravi.
In private votive Masses (missae lectae) its colour corresponds to that of the office of the day.
These are votive Masses.
(2) In solemn votive Masses the colour of the antipendium must be that of the vestments.
To this we must add votive Masses ordered by the pope or the ordinary for certain grave occasions (pro re gravi).
Solemn votive Masses have only one collect; others are treated as semidoubles, with commemorations of the day, etc., according to the usual rule.
Votive Masses are celebrated in the colour suited to the Mass itself or even in the colour proper to the day or the season.
Except on greater feasts, this Mass must be a solemn votive Mass de Sanctissimo Sacramento.
There are also several musical settings for the propers of Masses during seasons and on feast days and for certain votive Masses.
This is the "Missa de S. Maria" in five forms for various seasons, among the votive Masses at the end of the Missal.
According to these, there is a distinction between votive Masses strictly so called and votive Masses in a wider sense.
Missae Rituales ad Diversa et Votivae (Ritual and Votive Masses)
The Anglican tradition includes separate rites for Nuptial Masses, Funeral Masses, and votive Masses.
But the Mass of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ is placed among the votive Masses".
On each day of these celebrations the Mass should be one of the votive Masses for various needs and occasions that is best suited to the intentions of the petitioners.
On Fridays there was a "Jesus-Mass" (a votive mass of the Holy Name) and the "Jesus-Antiphon" was sung after Complin (ed.
These, most of the time, have assumed the practice to celebrate a votive mass of the Holy Spirit, in some dioceses compulsorily and even in case of otherwise impeding feasts.
In private votive Masses celebrated solemnly, i.e. with deacon and subdeacon, or in chant (missae cantatae) it is proper that its colour correspond with that of the vestments.
Another unique practice of the Premonstratenian Rite was the celebration of a daily votive mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in each of its abbeys and priories.