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Meanwhile, he said, "I will continue to do my very best to bring about a voluntary settlement."
The bill also provides for voluntary settlement agreements as an alternative to the hearing process.
Under Federal law, voluntary settlements are the preferred means of resolving employment discrimination disputes.
It said it decided to bring the case after attempts to reach a voluntary settlement were unsuccessful.
Prior to this allocation being made, the respondent allotted his benefit to trustees for a voluntary settlement.
The case manager then contacts both parties either to request more information, discuss the possibility of a voluntary settlement or to arrange a formal hearing.
At the meeting, Brownell asked AT&T to think over a voluntary settlement.
"I am going to make a voluntary settlement with Kroot; talk things over with him and give him what he thinks is right.
Moreover, the Geneva Convention appears to prohibit the forced transfer by the government of settlers into occupied territory, not voluntary settlement as in this case.
A. The state's Public Service Commission has been able to negotiate voluntary settlements with six of the seven electric monopolies in New York State.
The monitoring is a product of the Pennsylvania Department of Education addressing its voluntary settlement in Gaskin V. Pennsylvania.
On the other are those who say changes in the present system will destroy a company's ability to protect valuable commercial information and result in fewer voluntary settlements and more litigation.
The system encourages voluntary settlements but also allows for a variety of other conclusions, including using an arbitrator to fashion a compromise contract and another procedure called "fair and final."
It said it would invite Cooper Power Systems, a manufacturer of big electrical transformers, to negotiate a voluntary settlement and payment to Mr. Tatum.
Mayor Richard J. Riordan and other city officials agreed last week to begin negotiations on a voluntary settlement that could avoid a federal lawsuit, but their options are limited.
Customer complaints about difficulties with the cancellation process were noted in 2006 and subsequently, and were addressed in the 2009 voluntary settlement with 32 U.S. states.
But the United States has made a number of voluntary settlements, including $1.6 million paid to some 700 people who suffered injuries or property losses in the 1983 invasion of Grenada.
The idea of a voluntary settlement "is not something that the head of the legal departments of German companies might subscribe to, but the C.E.O.'s understand the political importance."
Commissioner Hartnett acted after the chairman of the State Mediation Board, Hezekiah Brown, certified that efforts to reach a voluntary settlement had failed despite some 100 negotiating sessions.
After a two-hour meeting, Mr. Lee issued a statement saying the Justice Department was "willing to defer filing suit to allow the city the opportunity to work toward a voluntary settlement."
But the other six, including Con Edison, were done as part of a voluntary settlement with the P.S.C. in which there were many, many intervenors, of which we were one.
NOV. 19, 1999 - Judge Jackson appoints Richard Posner, chief judge for the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, to oversee voluntary settlement talks.
Exxon also "began settling with property owners, fishermen and others whose economic interests were harmed by the spill," Judge Kleinfeld wrote, spending $300 million on voluntary settlements "prior to any judgments being entered against it."
Last month, Ms. Kovach said, the school board set a deadline of April 17 for a voluntary settlement and then last week rejected the union's request for around-the-clock bargaining over the Easter weekend.
Mr Berman said he would look at any revised settlement put forward to the court and that the court "generally favours the voluntary settlement of matters before it, including settlement of purported class actions".