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In the process, monoclinic vivianite oxidizes to form the amorphous santabarbaraite.
There is one mine on the outskirts of Moolort that currently mines vivianite and siderite.
The mineral vivianite is a naturally occurring form of hydrated iron(II) phosphate.
Most of the samples which contained maricite also had quartz, ludlamite, vivianite, pyrite, and/or wolfeite.
Vivianite crystals are often found inside fossil shells, such as those of bivalves and gastropods, or attached to fossil bone.
Santabarbaraite occurs as pseudomorphic masses after vivianite (Fe(PO) 8HO).
It occurs associated with whitlockite, vivianite, triploidite, triplite, triphylite, siderite, phosphoferrite, fairfieldite and apatite.
A paper, thus jointly written, on 'Francolite, Vivianite, and Cronstedtite from Cornwall,' appeared in the 'Journal of the Chemical Society' for 1871.
Odontolite is fossil bone or ivory that has been traditionally thought to have been altered by turquoise or similar phosphate minerals such as the iron phosphate vivianite.
Messelite occurs in association with amblygonite, anapaite, brazilianite, eosphorite, fairfieldite, goyazite, graftonite, herderite, hureaulite, ludlamite, phosphoferrite, siderite, triphylite, vivianite, and whitlockite.
The uranium is contained in the phosphate minerals francolite, crandallite, millisite, wavellite, and vivianite, found in Miocene and Pliocene sediments of the Bone Valley Formation.
When samples which appeared to only contain maricite were examined closely in a thin section, there were small inclusions of ludlamite, quartz, and vivianite present along the fractures (Sturman, et al., 1977).
It is a turquoise group mineral and occurs as a late hydrothermal phase in a tin deposit associated with variscite, vivianite, wavellite, cassiterite, sphalerite, pyrite and quartz in the type locality.
It was reported that the most invaluable vivianite specimen of the museum, more than 1,500 of the crystals collected inside the mine since 1927, and 150 specimens which had been given by 30 countries from all over the world had disappeared.
The mummy was noticed by a gold miner who named the mummy Blue Babe - "Babe" for Paul Bunyan's mythical ox, and blue because of the coating of vivianite, a blue iron phosphate, that covered much of the specimen.
Pseudomorphism can be seen in Victoria, Australia in Wannon Falls which is originally a well-known locality for vivianite and at Lake Baikal, Siberia where the oxidized santabarbaraite can be seen as a rim surrounding vivianite due to exposure to air.