Koko Crater is a massive cinder cone that visually dominates the area.
The organ visually dominates the room with its restrained grandeur (though the cruciform trellis work on the casing is not keeping with the style of the hall itself).
After 1884, the statue was positioned where it would visually dominate the Daru staircase.
The round "Altar Plaza" visually dominates the plazas of Altars and Time.
A long handicapped ramp with a return visually dominates the approach to the main entry.
It would have visually dominated the surrounding area and stood out to traffic on the River Thames.
It visually dominated the rest of the castle, towering above its outer walls, and acted as a residence containing the castle's best accommodation.
This classification sorts out Johnson's compound class by splitting it on visually dominating features into his emergent and submergent classes.
The vertical partitions of the coffering effectively serve as ribs, although this feature does not dominate visually.
Therefore the fortress-like Wawel complex which visually dominates the city has often been viewed as seat of power.