Turn left and follow Loop Road around the campus to the visitor parking and the sculpture garden information center.
In Pelham, there is no designated visitor parking because spaces are so scarce.
Sean parked in visitor parking, and they entered the modem building.
They parked in an area des- ignated "visitor parking" at least a hundred feet from the door.
I paid five dollars for visitor parking, then entered the main lobby and wandered around for ten minutes trying to find the reception desk.
Although the mall provides the West Parkade for visitor parking, a fee is required to park there.
I parked in visitor parking, near the main building, and rushed on in.
Until recently visitor parking was also located on the lake, but this practice has since been prohibited.
Tourist facilities at the site include visitor parking, a small museum, a picnic area and a football field.
The building is on your immediate right and visitor parking is at the second driveway entrance.