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It can also be associated with progestin-induced virilisation.
However, the adverse effects of prenatal virilisation are all too well known and prevention is of enormous benefit to the individual concerned.
Gonadectomy for cancer risk and virilisation.
The clinical manifestations are highly variable, ranging from partial virilisation and ambiguous genitalia at birth, to patients with a completely male or female gonads.
Female athletes, including adolescents, experienced virilisation symptoms and possibly as many as 1,000 sportsmen and women suffered serious and lasting physical and psychological damage"."
These potent androgens can cause ambiguous genitalia in newborn females, virilisation in older females and precocious puberty in males.
In 1927 a colleague at Charing Cross Hospital, the neurologist Gordon Holmes, received a fifteen-year-old female patient experiencing virilisation.
DHEAS may also be slightly elevated in patients with polycystic ovaries, supporting an adrenal component to the virilisation seen in this condition.
VIRILISATION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CLINIC Weekly clinic provides guidance and support to patients with reproductive health and currently has 200 patients enrolled.
See virilization for a more detailed description of the normal process and newborn status.
More often, the virilization is partial and the genitalia are ambiguous.
Presence of this gene starts off the process of virilization.
Most of the changes of virilization are produced by androgens.
Stages 2 and 3 represent progressively more severe degrees of virilization.
Families typically wish to minimize the degree of virilization of a girl.
In children, side effects may include virilization symptoms.
Boys with non-salt-wasting disease present later with signs of virilization.
Some of the possible causes of virilization in women are:
So did hip-to-waist ratio and two measures of virilization.
The main function of this is to prevent the virilization of female fetuses.
Virilization of genetic females is partial, often mild, and rarely raises assignment questions.
When virilization is complete and unambiguous, reassignment may be declined or deferred.
Because the virilization originates metabolically, masculinizing effects continue after birth.
No additional testosterone is given during childhood, to avoid unwanted virilization and bone maturation.
Other common symptoms include hirsutism, abdominal pain, virilization, and an adnexal mass.
Collectively, these symptoms are described as virilization.
Male infants are severely virilization and are usually assigned and raised as girls.
In this context, masculinization is synonymous with virilization.
He also devised the eponymous Prader scale, used to describe genital virilization.
It has been successfully used as a breast cancer drug, but because of the high risk of virilization, safer options are prescribed.
Since steroids generally cause virilization effects in women in even small doses, this drug should not be taken by women.
Some of those with partial virilization develop gynecomastia at puberty even though masculinization is reduced.
Virilization can occur in childhood in either boys or girls due to excessive amounts of androgens.