Businesses are catching on to the viral and grassroots nature of the blogosphere.
The private and yet viral nature of BBM "broadcasts" - messages designed to be repeatedly forwarded - posed an intelligence challenge to police.
Meanwhile, it is clear that the viral nature of the algal bloom is spreading it faster and through more mediums than originally expected.
Due to the viral nature of the internet, a mistake by a single employee has in some cases shown to result in devastating consequences for organizations.
This is the much-lauded viral nature of the medium that has managers of presidential campaigns intrigued.
The viral nature of the Web, and the pickup by the mainstream media, could spread the clips further.
He added that Deja would drop the ratings boxes and that "given the viral nature of Usenet," he expected those who left the site to return.
People are flocking because of digital word of mouth and the viral nature of the web.
But less intentionally, such experiments drive home the viral nature of the Internet, and it is not just the students who get an education.
Due to the viral nature of the social media sites, link wheels framed with them reflected huge effectiveness.