This was meant to work as proof of Bordieus ideas, as the viewers most likely wouldn't remember the actual discussion.
Thirty-second commercials have been the common currency of television for as long as many viewers can remember.
The pictures displayed here are carefully selected making viewers remember the importance of a national leader, who lived his life as an example to all.
How many viewers remember him as the original "Lion in Winter" on Broadway?
In this form, songs are delivered as a way to tie the story together and help the viewer remember important aspects of the story.
And finally, retention means that the viewer should remember the data presented by the infographic.
British viewers may remember him as Johnny in Pipkins (1973).
Probably the sequence that most viewers remember more than anything else.
These narrative works force viewers to confront and remember the victims and crimes sensationalized in the media of today.
That's the one most viewers remember, though surely back then the fire gave off a slower, more stately glow.