ITV defended the change, stating it would allow viewers "to interact immediately with their favourite acts".
There are hand wheels on the support columns that allow the viewers to interact with the sculpture by turning it.
Since that day viewers can interact with the host by a new e-mail address and by using the platform Contact24.
Simpson's politically charged work in photography and video manipulates size and scale and ultimately the way image and viewer interact.
The viewer experiences a combination of text, sound and imagery and interacts with the story at key points.
Luvchat also featured "LuvChat 24/7" over the summer of 2009, where Trenton never turned off the camera, and the viewers would constantly interact with him.
But these rarely allow the viewer to interact in a way that transcends the component parts.
At scheduled times, viewers can interact with each other and JPL staff.
The result is that viewers can not only watch television programs but can interact with them in real time.
Let's Watch also has some exercises which encourage the viewer to interact with what is happening on the screen.