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Ventriloquism being a difficult art cannot be taught in a day or two.
He'd spent months studying ventriloquism for just such a moment.
Someone in the room clearly had a talent for ventriloquism.
This is the only museum in the world dedicated to the art of ventriloquism.
Having no formal training, he taught himself the art of ventriloquism over a 4 year period.
The word means belly speaker and ventriloquism has a dark history.
She adds a new twist to the old art of ventriloquism.
"In fact, I may make a career out of ventriloquism," he went on, turning serious.
Thus, it is often said that she uses ventriloquism in her poetry.
Amid the general ventriloquism she does often manage to speak for herself.
I make a mental note to learn ventriloquism for moments like this.
Not at the ventriloquism but at the art of it.
I was a shy kid, and ventriloquism broke me out a little.
What drew him to ventriloquism was merely the fun it seemed to offer.
Maybe that's the way to figure out the new way to do ventriloquism.
"Meanwhile, I will give more thought to the possibility of ventriloquism.
This was the first known instance of the modern ventriloquism that is practiced today.
After several bulls got the best of him, he turned to ventriloquism and juggling.
His performance permanently changed the modern audiences view of ventriloquism.
The show promised a wide variety of talents including ventriloquism.
But ventriloquism is more complicated than any of those.
This is a benign form of ventriloquism, though one not practiced everywhere.
It just means that my ventriloquism has been rather successful this term."
"I found a book in the school library about ventriloquism," Lindy said.
And those involved could do something that is difficult 60 years later, and sometimes impossible in ventriloquism.
He made an attempt at ventriloquy, saying in a voice to sound farther off than it was, "Come in."
Ventriloquy is a kind of artifice - a single voice presented falsely as a dialogue.
There is a kind of ventriloquy at work in Allegories of Reading.
The metaphor of ventriloquy is therefore as appropriate to criticism as it is to fiction, since object texts, like fictional worlds, have no autonomous existence.
It could then be argued that ventriloquy is a better metaphor for fiction than criticism, because in criticism there are object texts which are not voiceless.
But I can't deny what the terminally genteel David Drake, as Miss Deep South, does for the art of ventriloquy.
He spent $125 more for three audiocassettes called "Welcome to the World of Ventriloquy" and practiced talking without moving his lips in front of the bathroom mirror.
Increasingly, the performer uses his own body and the body of the puppet, giving an object motions he cannot make himself in what Cheryl Henson calls a "gestural ventriloquy."
As a complicated love triangle is established, with Camber seeming to possess feelings for both women, Aiken's historical romance rolls breezily on, spiked with much adept Austen ventriloquy.
She also was a part of "A Ventriloquy of Anthros" in the American Indian Quarterly along with James Owen Dorsey and Eugene Buechel.
This prospect is stirring more theatrical curiosity than jurisprudential suspense, as court buffs imagine Mr. Traficant questioning and defending himself in one vivid blur, a must-see act of ventriloquy .
Ventriloquism, or ventriloquy, is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) changes his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteered "dummy".
Mira's only possible recourse is to a parodic ventriloquy of male modes of communication which subtly undermines them by using word play to expose the 'fictions' that underpin supposedly objective information and 'expert'analyses from Herodotus's time to the present.
SHAKESPEARE: (IN DIGNIFIED VENTRILOQUY) 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind.