'Cardiovascular disease' is any of a number of specific diseases that affect the heart itself and/or the blood vessel system, especially the veins and arteries leading to and from the heart.
The ribs splintered and cut a major vein leading to the heart, causing him to bleed to death internally.
A venogram can show the veins in your legs, pelvis, or arm; the veins leading to the heart; or the veins leaving your kidneys.
It included parts of the walls of both upper chambers of the heart that received blood from the veins leading to the organ.
The blood supplies from the flap and the vein leading to the femoral artery are joined.
He then clamped both ends of the veins leading in and out of the organ to prevent any contamination.
The fibrosis would affect resistance in portal veins leading to portal hypertension.
The solution goes directly into a vein leading to the heart.
The general rule is that arteries from the heart branch out into capillaries, which collect into veins leading back to the heart.
He said the aorta and the large vein leading to the heart were both torn.