The variety of subjects he wrote about represented the wide range of topics in which a cosmopolite might reasonably take an interest.
The variety of esthetic positions represented seems greater than any one approach could encompass.
A variety of human microarray systems are commercially available and represent well over 30,000 gene and EST sequences.
In fact, the 11 varieties we found represent only a fraction of the number of basils.
A variety of line styles graphically represent physical objects.
Together, these varieties represent high levels of genetic diversity and are therefore the focus of most crop genetic resources conservation efforts.
The variety of shapes probably represents function rather than ontogeny.
The game uses a variety of pieces to represent a player's units (military, resource or even philosophical premises).
The variety and the sheer number of these pieces played on consecutive evenings represent either an act of bravery or one of sheer self-confidence.
The variety of species here represents about 25% of the plant diversity in Mexico.