Instead, there may be a genetic predisposition to learn to fear certain things more easily than others.
Talk to a family doctor about genetic predisposition and signs to look for over time.
And there is a genetic predisposition to certain causes of death.
Genetic predisposition is clearly involved but does not fully account for the disease.
In addition, it is thought that genetic predisposition may be a factor.
Most cases have no known cause, but approximately 15 percent are associated with genetic predisposition to the disease.
"A genetic predisposition toward cancer or heart disease does not mean the condition will develop."
There's a large genetic predisposition, which may be inherited from the father or mother.
But they suspect that both a genetic predisposition and one's environment play a role.
A patient may have a simple genetic predisposition to the illness.
There is also a genetic susceptibility, for which overall importance remains undefined.
Dr. Miller was known for his work on genetic susceptibility to cancer and the environmental risk factors likely to affect it.
The significance of this risk factor in women with a genetic susceptibility to breast cancer is unclear.
Excess weight, they said, may speed up the loss of the cells that make insulin in children with a genetic susceptibility to the disease.
When families with a genetic susceptibility to the disease move south to warm climates, fewer people develop diabetes.
Cancer is thought to be caused by the interaction between genetic susceptibility and environmental toxins.
Some genetic susceptibility may play a minor role in most cases.
A very strong risk factor is one's genetic susceptibility.
Information on project to improve understanding of human genetic susceptibility to environmental exposures.