Salvation and renewal come to those who remove mental impediments and rediscover their deep natures.
Bloomberg is more focused on removing impediments from the private sector.
These laws, while serving laudable purposes, require modifications to remove unnecessary impediments to public-private agreements.
America's trade policies have been premised on the assumption that if you pinpoint and then remove impediments, the free markets will flourish.
This was demolished as far as the left-bank bridge pylon in order to remove impediments to shipping and the discharge of floods.
It removes impediments to the development of hydroelectricity.
"We welcome the actions taken by the Japanese authorities to remove impediments to capital movements," Mr. Rubin said.
Mr. Green had the less ambitious plan for city-subsidized housing and spent more time talking about removing impediments to private developers.
In addition, red-tape at national level should be reduced, thus removing impediments to the internal market.
The Constitution now commands us to remove impediments to access to justice in a systematic manner.