Congress, in its usual disregard of Tax Code intelligibility, decided not only to add more rates but also to redefine what constitutes a capital gain.
Alan Eton quickly discovered that Peter had the usual boyish disregard for grammar, spelling, and syntax, though his vocabulary skills were, in technical areas, beyond his age group.
"So, tell us, Paul," Joel Lilienkamp said with his usual disregard for protocol, "where're we landing?"
She met his blather with her usual disregard.
Scarlett, with her usual disregard of all matters not directly under her nose, had scarcely known an election was being held.
Meanwhile Evans had Doll construct his grand house in 1906 and 1907, with his usual disregard for thrift.
Nakai overrode him with a Starfleet engineer's usual disregard of rank in a technical discussion.
She switched on the ignition and pulled out into traffic with the usual disregard for traffic, pedestrians, and stationary obstacles.
With the usual comic disregard for foolish internal consistencies, every other story involved his driving down the road in a car that had obviously seen the dawn of the Edwardian era.
Accordingly, the draftsman should not provide for the usual disregard of tenant's improvements in the valuation formula.