Intriguingly, the most recent campaign finance law passed without the spur of a specific scandal.
These resources will provide you with a starting point for learning about finance laws common to small businesses.
It points to the reality that many of the old campaign finance laws simply don't make sense in cyberspace.
"We will support a finance law," he said, "but not one that's an attack on the labor movement."
Trent Lott says just follow the existing campaign finance laws.
Maybe the city's new campaign finance law can require that in the future.
The Chamber's spending out of its general funds was criticized as illegal under campaign finance laws.
One interesting feature of Japan's finance law is that individuals and groups are only allowed to donate to parties during election periods.
Under the public finance law, a campaign that violates spending limits can be charged a penalty.
The Dinkins effort may be hampered by the $3.6 million cap on spending under the city's public finance law.