Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
That means people still lack the "user control" they should have.
The View can be one of three types: page, window, or user control.
The absence of a central user control panel for color settings.
There in no user control of the focus mechanism.
Professional units offer direct user control of all major optical functions.
Allows the sending of images from a device the user controls.
It gives the user control over flames produced by the Dark Bring itself.
Keeping ubiquitous computing to yourself: a practical model for user control of privacy.
Once the quarterback lets go of the ball on a passing play, user control immediately moves to the receiver.
The best results were obtained with EV1, probably because it permits user control of the intensity.
At the high-end of the consumer market, there is a greater emphasis on user control and advanced shooting modes.
This gives the user control over the sharpness, flash strength, white balance, and exposure compensation.
Allowing the user control over their anonymity instantly.
The purpose of a modular propeller is to provide more user control on boat rally speed.
To allow full user control over how text appears on screen, this site has been created using relative text sizes.
It gives the user control over shadows.
The user control of the game was praised, especially control of the lightsaber.
The color management system can utilize various methods to achieve desired results and give experienced users control of the gamut mapping behavior.
A premade receiver-transmitter kit Radio allowed user control of robosquirrel.
Another suggestion for addressing such problems is to provide user control for the learner over how the animation plays.
The material is recorded as data which when played back through a software player allows the user control of the viewing direction and playback speed.
This played the aforementioned video loop of a map, which was impossible to escape from, as the user controls were disabled.
"It provides for user control and parental control, and is consistent with the free flow of information around the world."
As the industry wrestles with how much privacy protection to build in, two guiding principles are emerging: transparency and user control.
Browser vendors have tried to keep up with these increasingly aggressive tracking schemes by adding additional user controls.