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Only eight companies in the survey used rates below 7 percent.
You gave no data on use rates by the same specialty.
The average industry accepted and used rate is estimated at 20 percent17.
High substance use rates are not associated with lower levels of education.
At current use rates, the supply of lead is estimated to run out in 42 years.
Transactions take place using rates very close to the official rate.
The overall seat belt use rate was about 80 percent.
Overall use rates by women of all ages in other developed countries are much higher.
Analysts had expected a slightly higher capacity use rate of 77 percent.
It said those European countries had higher safety belt use rates.
The two means of transport under consideration had lower use rates.
Stein suggested that the central bank could use rates to influence these trends.
In addition, the Government reported that capacity use rates fell and business inventories rose.
The reason for the determination of the buildings future was caused by the very low use rate and the ability to keep maintenance in order.
Countries with 'legal' pot all have lower use rates than those who criminalize it.
Meanwhile, many people who already have mortgages are using rate cuts to pay off their debts more quickly.
The new system would stop councils using rate rises as a cash cow.
In order for the salary service history to be updated correctly, it is necessary to use rate base 6.
"Given these market conditions, provider competition could, alternatively, result in higher use rates and costs."
Sweden has the lowest drug use rate in Europe.
Federal surveys show that of the states with belt laws, Hawaii has the highest use rate, 81 percent.
Although F89 performed well early in the season, it's water use rate fell towards the end of the season.
Variations are valued by the superintendent using rates or prices in the contract.
This enabled the council to establish a large public works program without using rates or loans to fund it.
But, some may say, don't teenage drug use rates predict future drug problems?