While the design is nearly the same, the concept uses the flow of air, rather than water.
Schlieren photography is a visual process that is used to photograph the flow of fluids of varying density.
It will use the great flow of cosmic particles in space as its operating medium.
He rode the thrashing mania of the music, using the flow of its rhythm, while keeping his own temperature about a hundred degrees cooler.
This piece remains typical of barcarolle form by using the buoyant flow of a 6/8 time signature.
Micro hydro is a type of hydroelectric power that typically produce up to 100kW of electricity using the natural flow of water.
Simply put, a transistor uses a voltage to control a current, or the flow of electrons.
Previous studies have shown that bees measure distance traveled using the flow of images of the ground across their retinas.
Gas dynamic lasers are constructed using the supersonic flow of gases, such as carbon dioxide, to excite the molecules past threshold.
Even those who seek to do evil deeds must use and pervert the same flow of brahman to serve their heinous ends.