These men were to be used in a plot for seizing the Royal family in London.
Used in a plot to capture the children's favorite idols.
But Cohen is ill used here in a plot that is too busy and disjointed and lacks the kind of characters who can really challenge his intelligence.
Kraven, realizing how useful Gog can be, decides to use him in a plot to conquer the Savage Land.
The archeologist who discovers the tomb uses the vampires in a plot for his own personal gain.
Drugged and hypnotized, the man reveals that a small, peanut-shaped bomb was used in a plot to get 5 clay bricks originally from southern Mexico.
But the Hind is being used in a plot by Ares, in a scheme to kill Herc.
But they don't know that they are being used in a vicious plot against the city of Glargh...
In one episode, Reuben was used in a plot to capture Angel.
Zeke Stane later built some new Dreadnought models which were used by Mandarin in a plot to take down Iron Man.