An example of this is the collection of symptom data from patients undergoing chemotherapy, using handheld diaries.
Tribune history writer, using diaries, letters, journals and reminiscences that have come to light this century, has fleshed out the following narrative.
Using diaries, the author recreates a vivid portrait of southern plantation life in this prize-winning best-seller.
He argued, "Responsible biographers and historians constantly use primary sources, letters, diaries, and memoranda.
The one for the Network Television Association, which cost more than $500,000, was conducted using diaries that those responding filled out by hand.
When suggestions about using travel brochures, maps, newsletters and diaries were made, the teachers copied down the answers.
The documentary uses biographies, letters, diaries and documents of hundreds of working children to tell the story of the Industrial Revolution from their perspective.
Because of these possible biases, further studies were conducted using daily diaries.
By using electronic devices or diaries to track when the bladder and urethral muscles contract, the patient can gain control over these muscles.
Teenagers have indeed been flocking to MySpace by the millions, taking advantage of free space to customize sites using online diaries, photographs and music.