Gross domestic product climbed 0.7 percent in the quarter, compared with the first three months of the year, the statistics office said.
The Zimbabwean statistics office asserts the population as at (1992) 1,855,300.
The national statistics office said spending for manufactured goods was 2.3 percent higher than in September.
A vast majority of them were below 40, according to the statistics office.
In the second quarter of 1989, exports were up 15.1 percent from the period a year earlier, the statistics office said.
The statistics office did not give specific figures for those under 18 years of age.
The Government's statistics office said prices rose 7.87 percent in May.
He established a statistics office to collect data on the all of the company's operations.
German beer exports rose by 5 percent in the first half of 2003 compared with the period last year, the federal statistics office said.
The French statistics office last month predicted that consumer spending would be up only 0.3 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier.
Recent (2002) statistical information comes from the Serbian statistical office.
But sometimes a statistical office would need to undertake a special investigation to find the correct information.
In most countries the statistics are collected through sample surveys conducted by national statistical offices.
The figures are based on early estimates from the statistical office of the European Community, the organization said.
Environment statistics are usually generated by statistical offices and are considered as environmental data, too.
For a certain period he worked at the statal statistical office in Hamburg.
This also reduces the burden on the statistical office.
For awhile he worked in the French government's statistical office.
The Polish central statistical office has released data on the level of pollution in the country.
The national statistical offices simply do not have the resources or manpower for the job.